Thursday, February 28, 2019

Music Research

The music in the dramatic genre is often very mirroring to the scene itself. The lyrics tend to describe what is happening or the sounds are low or high depending on where the plot is. For dramas, music is often played during moments of reflection or when characters are alone. It emphasizes the sad nature of what might be happening. These can be seen in movies such as The Longest Ride and Me Before You, where the soundtrack features very slow songs. As the drama unfolds the music changes from happy and upbeat to very depressing.

It is typically easy to convey what is happening in a drama, despite many altering story lines and plots, but what is not always easy to convey is how our characters are reacting to what is happening. That's where music comes in. It can truly emphasize how the character is reacting and how his/her feelings may be changing.

For our soundtrack, I think we are going to have to find a balance once our plot is determined to make sure people understand the true feelings of our character throughout the intense opening.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Research Part 2 of the Drama Genre

After doing some research earlier on what the plot and characters of the Drama film genre are like, we furthered our research into the more technical and production aspects of it. For instance, since dramas tend to delve into more serious topics, the color scheme is often not very bright and cheery. Darker colors or settings may mirror the emotions and hardships of the characters. The reason for this is that many people associate sadness with colors such as blues and greys. However, romantic genres may show more cheery colors at the happier parts and darker colors when it's sad.

Research Part 1 of the Drama Genre

Now that the project is coming up closer, we have started more research into the genre of our choice. We have decided on doing a drama because there is a lot of freedom and expression related to this genre. As our research has shown, drama films have a main purpose to move the audience in some way, usually by portraying real issues and struggles. Usually the characters in dramas are normal people and the setting is usually normal reality, rather than alternate universes and other abnormal places. Some of the issues presented are about mental illness, a very prevalent topic affecting millions of people. Drama films such as Still Alice and It's Kind of a Funny Story, capture this perfectly in very different ways. Still Alice has a more serious dramatic undertone while It's Kind of a Funny Story has a more humorous approach. These two films show how very serious issues can be portrayed in different lights. The main characters of dramas are usually likeable so that when something bad happens you feel upset for them and want things to get better. If you can't connect or empathize with the characters than the film isn't as effective and powerful. The plots of the genre can be internal or external but almost always have some hardships. Whether the character is facing inside issues or there are many things happening outside, the plot of a drama film is very, well, dramatic. Without some key issues affecting the characters, it is hard to be moved by anything happening.